Why Solar? Why now?
With state and federal incentives at their highest levels, it is the perfect opportunity for homeowners to take advantage by choosing solar and placing money back in their own accounts!
Increase your home value! Incentive Checks DIRECT to you! Fixed, known lesser cost of energy that beats out local provider's rising costs from INFLATION! Clean and Renewable Power that SAVES!
Ask Advanced more NOW by visiting our Learn More page HERE!
Increase your home value! Incentive Checks DIRECT to you! Fixed, known lesser cost of energy that beats out local provider's rising costs from INFLATION! Clean and Renewable Power that SAVES!
Ask Advanced more NOW by visiting our Learn More page HERE!
With Solar, You Save Today!
We all must pay for power, but why not get something back? Pay far less for your energy needs when the Delivery is right on your home. And fix that cost to be less than you already pay to beat out longterm inflation! The power is yours! Ask us how by clicking below!
Federal & State Incentives Highest Right Now!
Acting today nets you the greatest incentives as they only go down in time with adoption. Learn more by reaching out to Advanced Power today see if you and your home can gain benefits!
Federal 30% +10% Bonus Energy Community Tax Credit! Link to Bonus Tax Credit Info |
Add Value to Your Home!
Studies nationwide have shown home buyers are willing to spend on average $18k+ for a home with solar vs one without knowing they'll never have to pay for utilities again. It just makes sense. Contact Advanced Power USA now to discuss if your home is a fit!
Links about the ComED rate hikes:
Businesses Push Back Proposed ComEd Rate Hikes!
Breaking! ComEd Makes $1.5B Record Breaking Rate HIKE!
Businesses Push Back Proposed ComEd Rate Hikes!
Breaking! ComEd Makes $1.5B Record Breaking Rate HIKE!