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Thank you for choosing Advanced Power USA for solar!
Ever ask the question "Why do I own my home instead of renting?" You most likely prefer ownership because it allows you to purchase at today's housing market price and carrying that fixed cost of living forward. Homeownership over time provides the opportunity to eventually own your home and pay $0 per month. If you ever sell or move, you know it's a safe investment that retains value regardless of life's changes. Renting has the perils of housing costs ALWAYS increasing, paying FOREVER since you don't own, and zero equity produced to you upon leaving.
When making the SMART decision to install our state of the art Advanced Power Solar System to your home, you are taking ownership of your electricity needs vs renting which in these modern times is just as important as housing! Solar allows you to purchase at today's energy market price and carry that fixed cost of living forward. Solar over time provides the opportunity to eventually own your solar system and pay $0 per month. If you ever sell or move, you know it's a safe investment that retains value regardless of life's changes.
How does solar gain value each year? Because ComEd's prices only go UP! The amount of electricity your solar system provides becomes more and more valuable each year. When you sell your home, the electricity your solar system provides will be valued based on the price of that futures market on electricity. Prices only go UP especially in these high inflation times. Renting from ComED has the perils of electric costs ALWAYS increasing, paying FOREVER since you don't own, and zero equity produced to you.
Why Are You Still Renting Your Power From ComEd?
Solar costs $0 up front for install and is broken down into simple monthly payments just like your ComEd bill and just like paying your mortgage on your home. The state of Illinois has the best solar program in history and it is a very important investment. You need to take advantage! Advanced Power representatives are licensed state consultants who can answer all questions and assure you receive solar at a great price!
You ARE entitled to a good price AND an Illinois SREC incentive as well as a Federal tax credit for a residential home choosing solar. Advanced will assist you in receiving BOTH the Federal & State incentive. The more power you use, the more you are incentivized and paid! Clients have received anywhere from $20k-$50k+ simply for choosing solar! Money is sent DIRECTLY TO YOU as the homeowner!
This is why Advanced is the #1 Solar Provider in Northern Illinois! Please Contact us NOW for a free, no obligation consultation to see if your home qualifies for solar!
Ever ask the question "Why do I own my home instead of renting?" You most likely prefer ownership because it allows you to purchase at today's housing market price and carrying that fixed cost of living forward. Homeownership over time provides the opportunity to eventually own your home and pay $0 per month. If you ever sell or move, you know it's a safe investment that retains value regardless of life's changes. Renting has the perils of housing costs ALWAYS increasing, paying FOREVER since you don't own, and zero equity produced to you upon leaving.
When making the SMART decision to install our state of the art Advanced Power Solar System to your home, you are taking ownership of your electricity needs vs renting which in these modern times is just as important as housing! Solar allows you to purchase at today's energy market price and carry that fixed cost of living forward. Solar over time provides the opportunity to eventually own your solar system and pay $0 per month. If you ever sell or move, you know it's a safe investment that retains value regardless of life's changes.
How does solar gain value each year? Because ComEd's prices only go UP! The amount of electricity your solar system provides becomes more and more valuable each year. When you sell your home, the electricity your solar system provides will be valued based on the price of that futures market on electricity. Prices only go UP especially in these high inflation times. Renting from ComED has the perils of electric costs ALWAYS increasing, paying FOREVER since you don't own, and zero equity produced to you.
Why Are You Still Renting Your Power From ComEd?
Solar costs $0 up front for install and is broken down into simple monthly payments just like your ComEd bill and just like paying your mortgage on your home. The state of Illinois has the best solar program in history and it is a very important investment. You need to take advantage! Advanced Power representatives are licensed state consultants who can answer all questions and assure you receive solar at a great price!
You ARE entitled to a good price AND an Illinois SREC incentive as well as a Federal tax credit for a residential home choosing solar. Advanced will assist you in receiving BOTH the Federal & State incentive. The more power you use, the more you are incentivized and paid! Clients have received anywhere from $20k-$50k+ simply for choosing solar! Money is sent DIRECTLY TO YOU as the homeowner!
This is why Advanced is the #1 Solar Provider in Northern Illinois! Please Contact us NOW for a free, no obligation consultation to see if your home qualifies for solar!
Advanced Power wants to consult you into energy independence.
$0 Down! Federal 30% +10% Bonus Energy Community Tax Credit! Click For Bonus Tax Credit Info 25-year Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty! 24/7/365 Monitoring! ASK FOR A FREE SOLAR CONSULT TODAY BY CLICKING HERE! |